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Connect Multiple Computers Together by Create HotSpot

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

You can Connect Multiple Computers Together by Create HotSpot . You can shearing data and internet between them without any Ethernet cable. Only you required Wi-FI enable laptop or external Wi-Fi device. I write process of creating hot spot for windows 7 and windows Xp.
Connect Multiple Computers Together by Create HotSpot

you can create hotspot by following simple 8 step.
process for creating hotspot in window 7

(1) click to start menu

(2) write on search and shearing box ”Network and shearing”.

(2) click to the manege wireless network icon.

(3) click to ADD icon.

(4) then click to “create an ad hoc network” icon.

(5)one windows will open than

(6) click to next icon

(7)type user name and password and blank box.

(8) now your hotspot crated join your friend to your hot spot.

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